I ordered the correct PCB or not?

Customer: last Thursday your package arrived and the package looked very promising. I mounted the controler to the drive and checked if it works but unfortunately it doesn’t. I imideatly unplugged the HDD to prevent any damage. In the attachement you can find the pictures of the HDD type and the mount of the controller. Please countercheck if I added the right controller. If so how do we proceede?

BF41-00314AHD204UI - BF41-00314A

Hddzone: Please unscrew the PCB and send the other side photo.

Customer: here you go


Hddzone:  You ordered the correct PCB.

You need to move your original PCB’s BIOS to the replacement PCB. The 8pins (4 pins on each sides) with 25P05VP、25P10VP、25F512、25F1024、25F1024AN、SST25VF512、SST25VF010, etc. are the BIOS.  You can move the BIOS from your original PCB by using hot-air gun, then solder it on the replacement board. Please refer: http://www.datarecoveryunion.com/hard-drive-rom-chip-swapreplacement/.  Or you can find an electronics repair shop help you. 

Customer: it worked, thank you for your help

HDDZone.com provides all kinds of hard drive PCB boards. Free shipping worldwide!

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Useful Guide: Hard Drive PCB Replacement

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Note: Send clear photos of your PCB (both sides) by attachments will make everything easier!