Samsung HD251HJ BF41-00204B

I’ve read your blog post : HDD PCB BIOS I have a hard drive Samsung HD251HJ with BF41-00204B PCB. The drive does not spin and I want to buy a similar PCB but I want to know whether  it has a BIOS chip or the bios is integrated in the IC controller. The PCB’s BIOS … Read more

G0034A MQ04UBF100 transform sata

Good evening friend, I have a TOSHIBA PCB USB HDD G0034A MQ04UBF100, I would like to transform sata, which board do you suggest to replace? Toshiba PCB G4311A is the SATA donor PCB for G0034A. When you get this PCB, you need to move your original PCB’s BIOS to the replacement PCB. The 8pins (4 … Read more

ST4000NM000A hdd with PCB number 100847224 REV C

I have ST4000NM000A hdd with PCB number 100847224 REV C. Will your PCB 100847224 suite this hard drive? For Seagate PCB swapping, just need to check the board number. When you get this PCB, you need to move your original PCB’s BIOS to the replacement PCB. The 8pins (4 pins on each sides) with 25P05VP、25P10VP、25F512、25F1024、25F1024AN、SST25VF512、SST25VF010, … Read more

Seagate BarraCuda 8TB replacement PCB logic board for my hard drive

I was wondering when searching your site for a replacement PCB logic board for my hard drive. Seagate BarraCuda 8TB with board number 100815597 the following showed up in searching your site (ST8000DM004 Seagate PCB 100815597) My question is mine has REV G after the number. And the listing description didn’t show a REV G … Read more

BIOS Toshiba PCB G3626A

Hi. On the Toshiba PCB G3626A, I can see four 8pin chip, one with “WINBOND 25Q8OBBL” on it and three that are the same with “25U81A” on them.  Can you tell me which one is the is the PCB BIOS?  Is it necessary to change any of the other chips? Thank you Please refer the … Read more

Seagate 100815597 Rev G PCB

We have a hard drive that we believe needs a replacement PCB. It is a Seagate 100815597 Rev G.I noticed you have the boards just none that list Rev G and I didn’t know if the others would be compatible or not. Attached are images. REV A, B, C, G etc. can be used as … Read more

Seagate Barracuda 120GB ST3120814A PCB

Hi, I have an odd ball Seagate  Barracuda. Its a 120GB – 7200.9 rpm. The PCB is 100368182 But the HDD is ST3120814A. I cant seem to find a board that matches both of these numbers. This might be a shucked drive as well, but I cant remember. Thanks for the help! Seagate 100368182 PCB … Read more

HD PCB for Toshiba

I am fairly certain that this hard drives PCB has failed, and I am looking for the correct replacement. Please let me know if you have the part, I need without having to change the firmware. Thank you! If you need PCB, please send your PCB’s clear photos to check. DT01ACA100 Hitachi PCB 0A90377 is … Read more

Toshiba 6TB Redlable HDWE160 PCB

hi there i was told you help mate my sent me 6TB HDD from Malta and the post damaged it and SATA power pins missing as well ripped right off PCB its a Toshiba 6TB Redlable HDWE160 i live in Canada i hope help me i have learing disabyley and reallu upset 🙁 Please send … Read more