HTS545050A7E380 is a common model of Hitachi hard drives. Many customers write to HDDZONE to find a suitable replacement circuit board for this type of hard drive. We know that replacing the circuit board is a very simple way to repair the hard drive’s board fault. By replacing the board, the hard disk can be restored, so we can recover data on it. But first you need to know that the same model of hard drive (such as HTS545050A7E380 Hitachi hard drive, as shown below) may use one or more boards with different board numbers, we will list the possible boards of the Hitachi HTS545050A7E380 hard drive bellow:
Hitachi HTS545050A7E380 Hard Disk Drive
- HTS545050A7E380, PN 0J23495, MLC DA4853, Hitachi 500GB SATA 2.5 Hard Drive;
- HTS545050A7E380, PN 0J30435, MLC DA5352, Hitachi 500GB SATA 2.5 Hard Drive;
- HTS545050A7E380, PN 0J23485, MLC DA4847, Hitachi 500GB SATA 2.5 Hard Drive;
- HTS545050A7E380, PN 0J31905, MLC DA4837, Hitachi 500GB SATA 2.5 Hard Drive;
- HTS545050A7E380, PN 0J31255, MLC DA6040, Hitachi 500GB SATA 2.5 Hard Drive;
- HTS545050A7E380, PN 0J23475, MLC DA4847, Hitachi 500GB SATA 2.5 Hard Drive;
- HTS545050A7E380, PN 0J38765, MLC DA6512, Hitachi 500GB SATA 2.5 Hard Drive;
- HTS545050A7E380, PN 0J23435, MLC DA5280, Hitachi 500GB SATA 2.5 Hard Drive;
- HTS545050A7E380, PN 0J23435, MLC DA4847, Hitachi 500GB SATA 2.5 Hard Drive;
- HTS545050A7E380, PN 0J30165, MLC DA5280, Hitachi 500GB SATA 2.5 Hard Drive;
- HTS545050A7E380, PN 0J11285, MLC DA5280, Hitachi 500GB SATA 2.5 Hard Drive;
- HTS545050A7E380, PN 0J23435, MLC DA6022, Hitachi 500GB SATA 2.5 Hard Drive;
- HTS545050A7E380, PN 0J11285, MLC DA4334, Hitachi 500GB SATA 2.5 Hard Drive;
- HTS545050A7E380, PN 0J30155, MLC DA5280, Hitachi 500GB SATA 2.5 Hard Drive;
- HTS545050A7E380, PN 0J23505, MLC DA4938, Hitachi 500GB SATA 2.5 Hard Drive;
- HTS545050A7E380, PN 0J23465, MLC DA4837, Hitachi 500GB SATA 2.5 Hard Drive;
- HTS545050A7E380, PN 0J31005, MLC DA5116, Hitachi 500GB SATA 2.5 Hard Drive;
- HTS545050A7E380, PN 0J23335, MLC DA4837, Hitachi 500GB SATA 2.5 Hard Drive;
- HTS545050A7E380, PN 0J23465, MLC DA5429, Hitachi 500GB SATA 2.5 Hard Drive;
- HTS545050A7E380, PN 0J30145, MLC DA5322, Hitachi 500GB SATA 2.5 Hard Drive;
- HTS545050A7E380, PN 0J28305, MLC DA5074, Hitachi 500GB SATA 2.5 Hard Drive;
- HTS545050A7E380, PN 0J31905, MLC DA5405, Hitachi 500GB SATA 2.5 Hard Drive
HDD Serial Numbers: 3RCWVNJWHDA Barcode: TE8512, GZK7YLJV, 39CHM4DS, 3QKV4W0XHDA Barcode: TE9512, 491X2ZLLHDA Barcode: TMA55C, ZJ2VB2SRHDA Barcode: TMA55B, 49146VKLHDA Barcode: TEA55G, 3QKE2RYVHDA Barcode: TE9512, 3RKLKDYWHDA Barcode: TE8512, 3VDH0L6THDA Barcode: TA8512, 39HJGKTVHDA Barcode: TEJ512, 3Q3136ZWHDA Barcode: TE8532, 3Q0G31YRHDA Barcode: TE8511, 3Q0EN7KRHDA Barcode: TE8511, 4T1PRA8MHDA Barcode: TM85A3, 4T0S3B6LHDA Barcode: TM85A3, 35352ESL, 4TGDMR4M, 3R35SGSKHDA Barcode: TE85A1, 4T3UBNNLHDA Barcode: TM85A3, 39D2U3TVHDA Barcode: TEJ512, 3VGKUTWXHDA Barcode: TA9512, 3VGXHWMPHDA Barcode: TA9511, G80090TSHDA Barcode: TM85G3, G809UEHTHDA Barcode: TM85G3, 3R2DB7AKHDA Barcode: TE8511, ZN3U1BWPHDA Barcode: TM8534, L50SVLUK, L90VJ9UKHDA Barcode: TEB543, 3Q3GJWSWHDA Barcode: TE8512, 3VDB4AZN, 3Q0LR7PRHDA Barcode: TE8511, 39CKZ23XHDA Barcode: TEJ512, 3RH1H86S, PY2GE2MMHDA Barcode: TM8533, 3J2HLXMMHDA Barcode: TM8533, 351MLKBM, 4C1EXW2LHDA Barcode: TM8501, 4915YKKLHDA Barcode: TEA52G, 4P1RPKECHDA Barcode: TL8521, 4N0GB9YRHDA Barcode: TE8513, 5G3JH83RHDA Barcode: TE8513, GZGUU56HHDA Barcode: TA5511, GZH074YPHDA Barcode: TA9511, TC2GM0VL, TC2GLZGL, 39G50P2SHDA Barcode: TEJ511, 3VG0NZJSHDA Barcode: TA9511, 3Q20BSNRHDA Barcode: TE8531, 492DZ0HRHDA Barcode: TE8543, 491E09UWHDA Barcode: TE8544, 49D0DRKR, 49C2186R, 3R07V6DK, 3RG47VNPHDA Barcode: TE9511, 4FGBXMJXHDA Barcode: TEK55D, L505VJ1MHDA Barcode: TEA51B, ZJ35TA5PHDA Barcode: TMA55B, L9G3467JHDA Barcode: TEA55C, 3RH50VMPHDA Barcode: TE9511, 3Q0317MSHDA Barcode: TE9511, 3NG73LRWHDA Barcode: TE8542, 39DDDS4XHDA Barcode: TEJ512, 4N15U0WRHDA Barcode: TEA55C, 490Y1PKLHDA Barcode: TE8517, TF13HPPPHDA Barcode: TM8514, 4TG0AYXLHDA Barcode: TM8513, 3R215VEJHDA Barcode: TEA55A, 3R1DUTNKHDA Barcode: TEA55A, 3RCBVJYWHDA Barcode: TE8512
Hitachi HTS545050A7E380 HDD PCB Boards:
- HTS545050A7E380 Hitachi PCB 0J21935
- HTS545050A7E380 Hitachi PCB 0J24159
- HTS545050A7E380 Hitachi PCB 0J24297
- HTS545050A7E380 Hitachi PCB 0J21933
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